HR 103: Training and Development

Educated employees make empowered decisions


Just like a car engine, your team members need maintenance from time to time. You need to examine to see if each component is still able to perform at the required level. If not, you can undertake repairs or make upgrades to ensure the whole system functions as a whole. The best way to keep your team’s performance standards up is to give them proper training. 
But how do you know when it is time to train them? Who do you send? What kind of training would be best? How do you ensure that you’re getting a return on your investment when you send them out?
That’s where having a Training and Development Framework will come in handy. 
This system will help you:
● Assess the training needs of every individual in an Organization● Design own training inputs● Design instruments for the purpose of training evaluation● Prepare pre and post tests that can be very helpful on the creation of the TNA ● Prepare a feedback report This is the best way to strengthen you team -- from the inside.

Schedules for 2020:
Feb 21 (Friday) | march 17 | May 26 | June 16 July 28 | Aug 25 | Sept. 29 | Oct. 27 | Dec. 15

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