Work Attitude and Values Enhancement

HOW you do things is as important as WHAT you do. Make sure they’re aligned.


You can be the most efficient worker in the office, but you do it with a cranky or resentful attitude. You may be the cheeriest and most optimistic person in the whole company, but your reports arrive 1 week later than the deadline. There needs to be a balance between what we do and how we do it.

This seminar examines what values are integral to success at work and unearthing these within ourselves. In the process, we get to naturally iron out work issues which are symptoms of values being misaligned.

Here’s what you will be learning:
● Come up and bring together the Individual and Organizational work values ● Define core values of service, timeliness, team effort, hard work and quality.● Have a clearer picture on how these core values influence productivity.●  Learn to identify and clarify their personal values and goals as they relate to the Organization’s values and goals.● Modify their work attitude and behavior to be in alignment with both their personal goals and values and the goals and values of the Organization.

Schedules for 2020:
Jan. 21 | Feb 18 | March 24 | April 21 | May 19 | June 23 | July 21 | Aug. 18 | Sept. 22 | Oct. 20 | Nov. 24 | Dec. 08

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